Systematic Theology
All credit for this section is given to Pastor Sherman Rourman, a Hebrew high priest from the bloodline of Moses, Aaron, and Bible prophets.
LEVEL I - Introductory Themes
Free Will of Man - The ability to make choices independently, not predetermined by external forces.
Free Will of Nature - The self-driven processes in nature, occurring without direct human control or predictable patterns.
Free Will of God - His absolute sovereign ability to act according to His divine nature, wisdom, and purposes.
Holy Spirit - The third person of the Trinity that guides, empowers, is a comforter and intercessor and provides insight.
Redemption -
Free Gift -
Grace -
Works -
Faith -
Saved -
Called -
If Not Called -
Source of Origin -
Knowledge of a God -
God Himself -
How to Pray -
God Answers Prayers -
Salvation -
Reward -
Progressive Heaven -
Contrite Spirit -
Blessings and Curses -
Heaven and Hell -
Judgement Day -
Sin Committed -
Sin Omitted -
Atonement for Sin -
Jewish -
Christian -
Communion -
False Religion -
Deceive -
The Deceiver -
Resurrection of Christ -
Our Bible -
Religion -
Philosophy -
Who Did Buddha Pray To -
Did Buddha Claim He Was Sent From God or His Teaching -
Do All Buddhists Believe in God -
Claims of Buddha, Mohammed, etc. -
Claims of Jesus -
LEVEL II - The Bible Theme
The Ten Commandments
Historical Facts
Archeological Artifacts
How Popular and Needed is the Bible
Bibles Astro-Physicist Computations
Authorized King James Version
Dead Sea Scroll Center
Numerology Code
Science of the Bible
Historical Books
Quotation Out of Context
Book of Esther
Chain Reference
LEVEL III - Teachers’ Themes
Absence in Prayer
Proof of a Belief
Bad Language or Talk
Ten Commandments
Laws for Fights and Injury
Systematic Theology
Right of Dominion
Loss of Salvation
ABC’s of Teaching
Light vs Darkness
Christian vs Born Again Christian
Transfer of Election
Mosaic Covenant
Covenants vs Contracts
Tower of Babel
Hebrews 11th Chapter
John 14th Chapter
1 Corinthians 12 and 14 = Gifts of the Spirit
1 Corinthians 13 = Love
Participation in Sin
Number of Books in the Bible = 66
Lord’s Name in Vain
Palm Readers
False Witness
Personal Property Loaned
Earrings in Men
Storehouse Tithe
Word of God
5 Books of the Law
Judgement vs Mercy
Story of Jonah
Story of Job
King Asa
Kings and Chronicles
LEVEL IV - Counseling Themes
Dysfunctional Family
Water to Wine
Tough Love
Cross Culture
Suicide Humor
Premarital Sex
Asian Lotto
Definitive Lines
Natural Consequence
Provoke Children to Wrath
“Strange” Women
LEVEL V - Deacons’ Themes
Systematic and General
Dead Man’s Bones
Wormwood Star
Stars and Sands
Self Redemption
Daniel 9
Transcendental Meditation
Big Bang Theory
Implanted Will of God
Holy Spirit
Prayer of Conviction
Bodily Resurrection vs Spiritual
2. Resurrection of Christ - Proof
Works of Josephus
Messianic Prophecy
The Tomb
The Stone
Imperial Edicts
144 Centurions
No Centurions Tried
Roman Seal
Christ’s Body Gone
Significance of Resurrection
Claims of Christ
3. Spirits
Fallen Angel
Holy Spirit
Cherubim, Seraphim
Reincarnation of Souls
Guardian Angels
4. Evolution
Authorized Authority
Missing Link
Horse and Ass Mate
Darwin’s Theory
Darwin Himself
Source of Origin
Evidence of Evolution
Simplest Life Form
5. Eschatology
History - Archelogy all past science are organized by time so the future is into four dispensations
First - Tribulation - 7 worst years, War of Armageddon, Antichrist 666 rules (Matthew 24:21)
Second - First Resurrection - Jesus Christ comes to end Armageddon World War III (Matthew 24:29-31)
Third - Millennium - 1,000 years of peace on earth - Jesus Christ rules (Revelation 20:5-6)
Fourth - Second Resurrection - Judgement Day, earth destroyed in World War IV
Antichrist - False Jesus returned (2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24:23-24)
Falling Away - Church falls away to believe Antichrist is Christ (2 Thessalonians 2)
End Times - Started when Israel became a nation in 1948 (Matthew 24:3-6, Daniel 8:17)
Tower of Babel - One world government stopped
666 - World bank number, Antichrist in control of it
6. Prophecy
Categories - Israel, Messianic, End Times
Proof by Bible Prophecy - To every generation before it happens, so all can prove the Bible is from God
Prophecy Past - History, archeology, anthropology, etc., proof to everyone
Prophecy Future - To keep on proving, obey, no excuse possible to disbelieve Bible
Ezekiel 39 - Nuclear contamination procedure
Daniel 9 - 188,800 days the 70 week prophecy
Isaiah 53 - Psalm 22 - Of Christ’s crucifixion
Prophets Today - Only Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses claim their leaders are prophets
In the World - None recognized at this time
Archeology - Supports prophecies of the past
Noah’s Ark - Past prophecy, proven by Archeology
How to Represent - “Thus said the Lord” or “of the Spirit or of the flesh I cannot tell”
Bible Prophecy - Perfect, irrefutable, unchallenged by any other religion or science on earth; all accept the resurrection, all accept the prophecy
Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Book written by Josh McDowell
Wormwood - A star prophesied to be discovered
Prophecies Happening Now - 10 nation Europe, Israel 1949, Revelation 13, digital dollar
Three Contents of a Prophecy - 1. “Thus said the Lord” 2. Detailed, against all odds, it’s from God 3. Why? To prove, exhort, or comfort
If It Doesn’t Edify - Clear it with pastor first
7. Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Baptism of the Holy Spirit evidenced by tongues
Regulations for Holy Spirit Assembly - 1 Corinthians 12 and 14
Glossolalia - Demonic counterfeit, interpreting tongues
Power to Know - Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment
Power to Act - Faith, miracles, healing
Power to Speak - Prophecy, tongues, interpretation
Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Nine listed above, but not limited to nine. Many unusual and incredible gifts exist not listed.
Power to Know:
Word of Wisdom - Supernatural wisdom enabling one to learn or do. Illuminated styles in business or church affairs. Guidance what and how to teach, interpret, apply, understand Scripture.
Word of Knowledge - Supernatural knowledge of facts. Supernatural revelation of what a Scripture means.
Discerning of Spirits - To know what somebody else is thinking, or is like. To know if a prophecy is from God or not. Sense the presence of good and evil spirits.
Power to Act:
Act of Faith - Given momentarily so one has no fear, and enables one with supernatural abilities to save life or property. Prevents what is happening from interfering with the will of God in the future. Peace and serenity in place of impending disaster.
Act of Healing - The healer is used by God. One who waits for the word of wisdom or knowledge to instruct him/her. May pray for healing without instruction as well.
Power to Speak:
Prophecy - Foretells future to prove God, exhort or comfort and is detailed against all odds to know it’s from God. The prophet often receives by night dream, daydream, or that moment from God.
Tongues - The Holy Spirit in a person speaks an unknown language never known in any way to the speaker. Broken tongues are split, multiple dialects mixed perfectly, at times split by God to prevent the speaker from possibility of interpretation. Speakers may know it’s split. The Holy Spirit is speaking to God on our behalf.
Interpretation of Tongues - May be word for word, but normally is descriptive of what is being said instead. Interpretation is to edify a message to God, to the church or a person. The test of truth asks if the interpretation is contrary to doctrine, and if it is practical. If it does not edify, and it’s an exhortation or prophecy that does not edify, the Scriptures note that errors have caused great burdens. Promptly review it with your pastor beforehand.